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Ryan leaned past me and shut the door of the truck, then opened the door leading to the back of the truck and ducked in.  I was only too happy to watch him from behind as he made his way down the CosMax6 webcam toward the back of the truck.  There were a couple of lights that lit up the back of the truck so that it wasnt dark at all.  I looked around and saw metal deep freezers on either side of the truck, on each of the freezer sliding doors were neatly printed labels indicating what was inside.  I spun around losing sight of Ryan as my eyes looked around at what was Ryans work space.   Wow, its a little cramped in here with all of the freezers.  Is it difficult for you to work back here?  I asked not yet making eye contact. He was squeezing my breasts so hard they hurt, and I knew he had bruised them. She had no underwear on and low and behold I got the glimpse of a lifetime. I dont know if she realized we were half a step away from ending everything. Still holding her CosMax6 porn the head, he shoved his cock back into her mouth.