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I answered quickly, “I hope so.” She wiggled her butt a little more and said, “I hope so too.” Well, that was all the invitation I needed, and I moved up behind her and slid my cock into her pussy to lubricate it a bit, and then got some more pussy juice on my fingers and probed two slick fingers into her asshole. We were starting to come down just a bit from orgasmic highs when Liz told us what she wanted: Now that both of the guys have gotten off, and can last a good, long time, Lori, you need to get Richs dick hard again, because I want what you got a couple of months ago: I want both cocks, I want both cocks now! But I knew in my mind that this was a once in a lifetime thing, and I wanted to take it as far as I could. Ray was too impatient either to pay attention to his wife at his side or to give my friend Alberta_Love webcam to adjust to my husbands cock invading her bowels. Mischievously she offered me some, widening her eyes in surprise as I ate it. She opened it to Sams smile, which only grew wider Alberta_Love porn he saw her outfit. Sarah insisted on sightseeing before getting naked and naughty.